

11 Product Page Features to Drive Conversions

Attribute-style product selection. Most dropdown menus on product pages are for sizes and colors of the same item. But each size of Monos luggage is a different product with (sometimes slightly) different features. Positioned near the top, the dropdown menu…

3 Ways to Reduce Shipping Costs

Negotiate rates with shippers. There is always room to negotiate on price, even for small volumes. Gain a clear understanding of how weight and size impact rates. Flat-rate shipping is an option that can save money — the same size…

Privacy Changes to Streaming Ads Are Coming

Connected television, a rising star in the targeted, programmatic advertising industry, will soon be impacted by new privacy measures. One such idea is Google’s IP blindness proposal called Gnatcatcher (“Global Network Address Translation Combined with Audited and Trusted CDN or…

Foundr Owner on Burnout, Recovery, Priorities

Bandholz: Changing direction, you’re bringing on some high-level leadership now. Walk me through that process of finding and hiring great talent. Then came burnout. I’m so passionate about the work we do at Foundr. It is so much fun compared…