In this day and age, information is so readily available that it can be accessed in mere seconds by almost anyone. But in the business world, you have to be careful with the information that you are offering, as well as the information that you are asking for. Too much and you might scare your customers away; too little and your customers may lose interest. You also have to get in touch with what kind of information your customers are willing to give, and more importantly, what information they are protective of. Knowing this kind of information makes it easier to interact with your customers and also puts the customers at ease with doing business. Data Gold RUsh

  • Stats on Info that Customers want to share/don’t share
  • Effects of Information sharing
  • Information that Customers readily give/keep a secret
  • Cloud Information Statistics
  • Customer Preferences and Inclinations

Aside from teaching us about the impact and importance data, this infographic is a gold mine for useful information about customer data and customer relations, such as:
In this infographic, Osborne Clarke has shared with us an enlightening look at the data (exchange and mining) between users and marketers. The infographic states that 90% of data in the world has been created in the last two years. Think about that for a moment. Almost all the data that we have on each other and on the internet was created in very recent past. With that in mind, each marketer should know how to handle data, how to interpret data, and how to use that data, for conversion, to further their business. Reading this infographic is a small step in that direction.

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