You can always hire professional writers from this service. They will work with you to understand the goals of your campaign, and they will help you produce content that converts. This is also an editing service, which you can hire if you want to improve the overall quality of the content you’ve already written. [Tweet “Use these 10 tools to create #content with high #conversions. “]
With the short attention span of today’s Internet users, some of them never make it pass the title. That’s why you have to pay tons of attention to this aspect of a post. The title has to grasp the meaning of the concept, but it needs to be creative at the same time. When you don’t have a cool idea, use Portent’s Content Idea Generator – an automated title generator that gives you the inspiration you need. What happens when you can’t write great content no matter how hard you try? Maybe you’re not a talented writer, but you still want to use the potential of content marketing to boost the success of your business. Don’t panic. Fortunately, there are great tools that help you build the kind of content that converts. Check out this list of 10 tools you’ll benefit from: You need to search the web in order to monitor the competition and get ideas for new posts. However, you don’t always have the time to read a lengthy piece of text the moment you discover it. If you don’t want to forget all about that source of inspiration, you can save it in Pocket – a tool that allows you to save everything you want to read and watch, so you’ll access the sources when you have enough time for them.
You absolutely need the Keyword Planner tool. It will give you a list of keywords your target audience uses to search the engine, so you’ll need to implement those words and phrases in the natural flow of your text. Do you know what converts better than high-quality textual content? Infographics! Online users love visual content of this type because it helps them process important information without much effort. With this tool, you can create inventive infographics that showcase your data in the most attractive way possible. Although automated spelling and grammar checkers are not 100% reliable, you still need them in order to avoid the most common and obvious flaws when writing content. A single spelling mistake can cause a lot of damage to your online reputation, so you have to pay attention to the editing stage if you want to achieve more conversions. Grammarly is one of the best automated tools that help you identify and fix errors in your text.
Quality is the determining factor for the success of your content, but you cannot neglect the importance of Google. If your target audience cannot locate your content through Google, your quality won’t make a difference. Every piece of content has to come with the perfect images, graphs, and photos. The visual aspect is extremely important, since a photo can capture and hold the attention of an Internet user. Pexels holds an impressive library of free stock photos, which will make the text much more attractive.
Sometimes you feel like you’ve said everything there is to say about your products or services, but you have to think of new things to write about. Ilys can help you surpass the writer’s . The tool will ask you how many words you want to write, and then it will give you the writing space you need. There is a trick: you won’t be able to edit the text until you reach the word limit, so you’ll have no other choice but to keep writing. You need to be aware of the trends in your niche, but you don’t want to waste too much time searching the Internet for relevant pieces of content. That’s why you have Feedly – a tool that generates publications from blogs, online magazines, news sources, and article directories related to your niche.
Content marketing is an inevitable aspect of the promotional strategy for any brand, product, service, website, or professional in any niche. The marketing team informs the target audience through top-quality pieces of content that answer the readers’ questions and encourage them to take an action the business would benefit from. Many content developers make a serious mistake: they think they should only write multiple articles and blog posts that explain what the offer is all about, so the audience would come their way. That’s not how it happens. Each piece of text you publish has a single goal: to convert readers into customers. The above-listed tools will help you achieve that effect. [Tweet “Here are 10 tools to help you create converting #content.”]
This is another keyword generation tool, which is focused on longtail keywords. They are really important for the success of your content marketing campaign, since they look natural into your content. The last thing you want is for a reader to assume you’ve been writing the piece to trick the search engine. If you’re smart when using the keywords suggested by this tool, the readers will feel like you’ve been writing for them, not for Google. office-594132_1920
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