Introduced by: Apple (Safari)
Fortunately, from the above conditions, only the first had an impact on Convert cookies since these are created via Javascript’s document.cookie. We suggested our customers to move the cookie creation process away from the browser and into the server as we did with ITP 2.1 workaround.  
How did tracking prevention & A/B testing change in 2019?
The GDPR left its mark… in memes that made us laugh and sweeping data collection, processing and transparency requests that left us (a little) overwhelmed.
Under ITP 2.3, sites that do this will see all of their non-cookie website data deleted after seven days. Combined with the capped expiration of client-side cookies, this means trackers won’t be able to use link decoration combined with long-term first-party website data storage to track users. Impact on Convert: As explained here, it is clear that Convert tracking and cookies are NOT affected by the new two steps under ITP 2.3 that the WebKit team has taken to combat the above trackers.
Impact on Convert: As explained here, it is clear that Convert tracking and cookies are NOT affected by the new two steps under ITP 2.3 that the WebKit team has taken to combat the above trackers.
Impact on Convert: After reading it in detail, Convert tracking is not impacted by this Policy as its tracking does not fall under the above categories.
Impact on Convert: After reading it in detail, Convert tracking is not impacted by this Policy as its tracking does not fall under the above categories.
Impact on Convert: After reading it in detail, Convert tracking is not impacted by this Policy as its tracking does not fall under the above categories.
Impact on Convert: After reading it in detail, Convert tracking is not impacted by this Policy as its tracking does not fall under the above categories.
Using A/B testing tools that are negatively impacting your results because of tracking issues? Try a 15-day free trial of Convert Experiences and check out the features that make us one of the most privacy aware tools on the market.
When: December 2019
You can find the steps to facilitate such server-side cookie creation here. If you need any help with changing your web server infrastructure, please feel free to contact us.

  1. Origin-Only Referrer For All Third-Party Requests: As an example, a request to https://images.example that would previously contain the referrer header https://store.example/baby/strollers/deluxe-stroller-navy-blue.html will now be reduced to just https://store.example/.
  2. All third-party cookies blocked without prior user interaction
  3. The storage access API takes the underlying cookie policy into consideration

2018 went down as the year privacy changed forever.


Introduced by: Mozilla (Firefox)
Browsers will continue to tweak things and until an alignment occurs, testing tool set-up and installation time will increase, given the complexity of the use cases you are addressing.
The Stable version of Chrome 80 in February 2020 is targeted for enabling this feature by default as summarized below:

Get a Taste of One of the Most Privacy Aware A/B Testing Tools Out There
Get a Taste of One of the Most Privacy Aware A/B Testing Tools Out There

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