No matter who your bullseye audience is, they are likely targetable in an OTT environment.

One example of what’s possible is our ability to target audiences based on the specific grocery SKUs and categories they have been shopping for more often, or less often, in recent weeks.

In short, very minimally. Even if viewers opt out of tracking on their desktop, tablet, and mobile devices themselves, our cross-device graph capabilities remain largely unaffected. This is because they aren’t and weren’t relying on user-specific information in their creation. In short, very minimally. Even if viewers opt out of tracking on their desktop, tablet, and mobile devices themselves, our cross-device graph capabilities remain largely unaffected. This is because they aren’t and weren’t relying on user-specific information in their creation.

A Q2 2020 ad blocking study “found that 45 percent of respondents aged 15 to 25 said that they used an adblocker,” with “42 percent of respondents between the ages of 26 and 33” reporting the same. Simply put, that is a lot of missed eyes on ads—eyes that ad-supported OTT can capture.

What are some of the most beneficial ways in which OTT advertising is different from other ad types?

Image Source: The Trade Desk
When publishers themselves are using third party data, they’ll typically do a data match. In this scenario, they could say, “OK, we know the names, email addresses, and credit cards of our subscribers, and we’re going to match our data to this first party list, make it privacy compliant, overlay it with our third party data, and target people who we know have the attributes we’re targeting.”

What makes OTT advertising so valuable in the age of privacy concerns is that none of the information advertisers are concerned about losing—to include mobile device IDs and cookies—lives natively within a TV screen.
If we see the IP address someone converted on, and we know that conversion happened after that same IP address was delivered an OTT ad, we know that OTT was a touch point on that conversion path. For another client in the financial space, we are currently targeting audiences that are based on the specific liquidity balances in their investment portfolios.

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