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Join Nadim Sadek, Founder & CEO of ProQuo AI, Michel Guidi, International Managing Director of Dynata and Michael Wall, Global CEO of Mother for a roundtable discussion delving into how AI can lead to effective decision-making, fast progress, and the certainty to let the creativity that only humans can bring, flourish.

June 16th, 2021 | 3:30pm BST

Everything today is fuelled by data. Especially brand management. Data is the lifeblood for our strategies and activations. But the world of marketing is complex, with brand managers facing over 25 million possible combinations of actions to grow, over the course of a year. It’s daunting and almost impossible to feel certain of success in navigating it all, even with well-developed instincts. Unless you have AI.
AI can understand the nuanced ecosystem that exists around each brand, and build the optimal route through it, instantly. What does that mean for marketers?
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