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Join this live Q1 Digital Shift Webinar, hosted by industry expert, Neil Perkin. This event highlights and discusses the key developments in digital marketing and ecommerce.

  • Retail trends: this edition looks at the latestinnovations in retail, notably quick commerce, shoppable video and what we canlearn from the fastest-growing retailer in the world (who are beating Amazon attheir own game)
  • Expanding gaming worlds: as brands continue toexperiment in gaming environments like Fortnite and Roblox, what are some ofthe most fascinating recent examples?
  • NFTs and the Metaverse: the pace of innovation withNFTs continues to speed up and this edition features the latest case studiesfrom brands as diverse as Adidas, Sothebys and AMC Cinemas. What can these tellus about what the future will hold for this fast-moving trend?
  • The long-nose of innovation: newinnovations don’t always use new, disruptive technology. We look at howsome of the current big technology trends are actually building on conceptsthat have been around for years, and how this helps us to understand whatwill most likely happen in the future

Agenda points:
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