Pinning helps you control the order in which your ad’s assets are shown, rather than giving Google full control over your ad’s variations. Google advises against over-pinning, as this can interfere with its ability to experiment and find the best asset combinations, but Julie’s hypothesis is that Google is actually penalizing pinning.
In similar Tweets, Julie has also noted how RSAs with more pins go down in ad strength, according to Google. The proof is in the pudding through Julie’s test so far as the non-pinned ad has been shown more by Google. This type of ongoing, helpful update is a taste of what you can expect when following Julie.
ppc influencers - navah hopkins tweet on google dynamic search ads seo and website optimization
We’ve actually come full circle and it’s back to building your brand. Yeah, I love Facebook ads but it’s like, an audience I used to pay 50 cents per thousand impressions is now closer to 0.
This! You cannot pull in DSA if you haven’t invested the time on #SEO. Yes DSA works almost across the board for ecommerce, real estate, auto, and other feed based industries…if you’re not in a feed based industry, get on your SEO.
But who are they? What platforms do they hang out on? There are too many to cover in one post, but here are a few of our favorites!

  • Who they are
  • What their specific areas of expertise are
  • Where to find them on social
  • A sneak peek at their expertise

Aaron Levy

View the thread here

If there’s one term I think we’re all sick of hearing, it’s “unprecedented times.” However, that is sadly the reality many advertisers are in. Michelle makes a great point about the need to be nimble with budget, as historical data isn’t always a clear reflection of what’s to come in future. If you don’t have budget flexibility, you could end up limiting your ads across platforms.
Give Reels-only placement ad sets a test, too. We’re doing this for some accounts & while impression volume is lower, the benefits that we are seeing are lower costs, excellent & healthy CTRs, and they’re driving additional sales.

We’ll let you read the post, but the three methods involve using custom audiences and targeting competitor URLs on YouTube. Here’s a brief excerpt:
And his advice on being conservative with bids reminds me of something I tell clients myself: You can always raise your bids or add more budget, but you can’t get back what you’ve already spent.
Larry makes a great point here, and it’s also in line with the growing trend over the years of building a brand that aligns with your customers’ values. For help building your brand, you can check out this post on how to build your brand, and this one on the importance of brand consistency.
#GoogleAds unpopular opinion from an ex-Googler: We’re moving toward a keyword-less future. It’s not a matter of if, but when. Start preparing now! Ensure your client’s website is optimized so Google Ads can understand it and properly automate your targeting. #ppcchat

AJ Wilcox

Navah backs the fact that DSAs can be a profitable Google Search strategy across many industries. However, since the ads are curated from your website’s content, it makes sense that a strong SEO foundation is necessary for equally competent DSAs.

  • What: All things LinkedIn advertising.
  • Where: Twitter (@wilcoxaj) and , LinkedIn.
  • Sneak peek: AJ’s two Linkedin ads tips for 2021 that still ring true today:

To paraphrase:

And organic algorithms for social and search used to have these loopholes that you could exploit, but now, there’s all this machine learning and artificial intelligence, and all these new brand signals where if you don’t have a ton of branded searches, then it doesn’t matter how many links you get.
But I always push back on this. It’s nice to be organized, but in any given month, one channel can drastically under or over-perform its historical average. Start with a plan, then be flexible to maximize performance in the time range you’re given.
But I always push back on this. It’s nice to be organized, but in any given month, one channel can drastically under or over-perform its historical average. Start with a plan, then be flexible to maximize performance in the time range you’re given.
I have 2 RSAs in each ad group, with identical assets. One has some assets pinned, the other does not.
Known for her weekly PPC roundup posts on social, Amy is a PPC writer for industry staples like Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal, WordStream, LOCALiQ, and more. She is the founding owner of Cultivative Marketing, a PPCHero Top 25, and an international speaker on paid search and social.

Frederick Vallaeys

ppc influencers 2022 - kirk tweet on agency trends

  • What: Advanced technical Google Ads topics like scripts, reports, and automation; entrepreneurship.
  • Where: Twitter (@siliconvallaeys), LinkedIn, and Instagram (@fvallaeys).
  • Sneak peek: In a recent interview, Frederick was asked what skill PPC professionals should be learning in 2022. His answer was:

View the thread here

View the Twitter thread
We’re kicking off our list with AJ Wilcox, founder of agency B2Linked who hosts his own podcast The LinkedIn Ads Show. AJ is a PPCHero Top 25 Most Influential PPC Expert and regularly speaks at industry events.
I love the simple key takeaway Mark leaves viewers with here: “do less.” Overthinking your PPC can lead you to make a slew of unnecessary changes that could overcomplicate your original problem.

Ginny Marvin

ppc influencers - greg finn tweet questioning google ads smart features

  • What: All things Google Ads.
  • Where: Twitter (@GinnyMarvin) and LinkedIn
  • Sneak peek:  As a Google Ads Liaison, Ginny can’t really give out advice but she is invaluable in helping advertisers make sense of confusing announcements. Remember the DDA update I talked about in Aaron’s sneak peek? This was one of those confusing ones.

Maybe my professional mantra shouldn’t be “do less” but it hasn’t failed me.
David is president of his own social advertising company Hermann Digital, LLC. The experienced media buyer and paid social strategist specializes in helping DTC (direct to consumer) brands find a home in the social media marketing space.
David is president of his own social advertising company Hermann Digital, LLC. The experienced media buyer and paid social strategist specializes in helping DTC (direct to consumer) brands find a home in the social media marketing space.
David is president of his own social advertising company Hermann Digital, LLC. The experienced media buyer and paid social strategist specializes in helping DTC (direct to consumer) brands find a home in the social media marketing space.
However, I agree with Aaron that there’s still more work to be done. View-through conversions are a game-changer for advertisers since they credit actions towards assets that were seen first before sparking a conversion elsewhere, but they’re still not included in conversion modeling…yet.
Her third point resonates the most with me: just because you can track basically anything you want as a conversion doesn’t mean you necessarily should. This is a classic trick to boost conversion numbers.
Watch the interview on YouTube

Have fun following for fire PPC advice

As one of Google’s first 500 employees and a contributor to the creation of Google Ads, it’s no surprise that Federick is a PPCHero Top 25. He is also the co-founding CEO of one of the first PPC companies, Optmyzer.
Data-driven attribution is a multi-touch attribution model that credits each conversion differently based on tons of different data signals that make up each conversion action. Aaron acknowledges this will be helpful, for example, if a visitor downloads a whitepaper to learn more but doesn’t move further down the conversion funnel. DDA will credit that action accordingly to help advertisers better understand the value behind each conversion.
So far? The non pinned RSA is getting almost all impressions. Will run for a bit more & share.

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