The folks over at Invesp have given us this great infographic on understanding online shopping behavior. In any marketing, whether online or in the real world, it is always a good idea to get to know your customers. Aside from the obvious advantage of supplying what is in demand, it also gives the marketer an idea of how to better cater to their target market. It is not about getting people’s attention, but rather getting enough of their attention to get them to buy from you. This marketing principle, called conversion, can be better used when you know the behavior of your customers. Understanding Shopping Behavior

  • Global Online Trends
  • Consumers by Age and Gender
  • Product Research Information
  • Outside Influence and Trends
  • Mobile Devices
  • Motivational Factors

Aside from learning about online shopping behavior, the infographic also provides interesting and useful information such as:
In online marketing, it is better to know what market you are catering to. Unlike marketing in the real world, there is little to no interaction at all. Your only chance to connect with your customers is through what your page contains. And in the competitive market of online eCommerce, it only takes one wrong thing to put off a potential customers. That is why it is important to get to know your target audience so that your initial presentation will immediately resonate with them. It takes just a few seconds to communicate that you have what they are looking for, but it has to be done correctly, otherwise, you miss your shot.

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