For example, let’s say you have a webinar closely aligned with your product and a user submits a form that takes them to a thank you page. On that page, you can deliver a pop-up for a free demo or free trial. The strategy behind this method is to essentially expedite the nurture path for leads who have shown intent. Instead of relying on an email nurture strategy to convert them over a longer period of time, you can try to get the lead to take the action you want immediately after converting.
As stated, there are a number of pop-up tools on the market that allow you to do most of the things that I have mentioned in this post. Privy is a very popular tool used by many ecommerce-focused businesses while I personally use Ucentric for my marketing clients. Within Ucentric, you are able to design elegant pop-ups (referred to as “Nudges”) and accurately measure results through conversion tracking tools built into the product.

conversion-focused marketing collateral, there is a process by which the individual viewing the content makes a decision to act or not. Regardless of how great your offer is or how well it converts users visiting the page, there will always be those who do not complete your desired action. Therefore, the pop-up can be used strategically to increase the probability that someone will complete an action, whether it was the initially desired one or perhaps one with less friction.
marketing funnel—containing lower friction offers with lighter intent at the top and offers closer to sales and your overall business objective at the bottom.
driving traffic to a landing page focused on a free trial or a sales demo of software. This “low-funnel” landing page may have a decent conversion rate but there are likely a number of individuals visiting it who are not ready to take that specific action.

Checkout stage: Here, the user is on the checkout page with their desired products visible in their cart. At this stage in the game, a pop-up that would include any discounts or timely promotions would be recommended. If the user knows they are going to get money off their purchase by inserting a promo code you could see checkout-to-purchase conversion rates skyrocket.

thank you pages—that is, the page that users are directed towards once they sign up or fill out a form. This would allow you to drive traffic towards a higher funnel offer like an ebook or webinar and subsequently deliver a pop-up on the thank you page for a lower funnel offer.

Inquiry stage: Here, the user is viewing a specific product page. I would not suggest triggering an exit pop-up at this stage on your organic pages because the user may browse through multiple products, and receiving a pop-up every time will become infuriating. However, if you are driving traffic to a specific product via a paid advertising campaign, then I would suggest using a pop-up.

selling or ordering online, then you’ll want to keep the pop-up focused on the products or services that the user is intending to purchase. There are a few steps in the buyer’s journey and you will want to decide when the pop-up is delivered and how it will help complete the purchase. To help explain, let’s break the buyer’s journey up into three stages:

Now that you have the guidelines you need for using pop-ups, it’s time to start increasing conversions through these useful tools. Get started now!
On scroll: You will usually see pop-ups that trigger on scroll on blogs. If you are scrolling through a piece of content you may be presented with a “subscribe now” prompt to submit your email. However, you could use the scroll feature on landing pages that have more information below the fold than others. Some platforms will enable you to trigger the pop-up to appear once the visitor has scrolled past a certain point on the page.
With a pop-up tool, you could trigger a higher funnel offer to show if the user has not converted on the original. This higher funnel offer could be anything from an ebook to a webinar that you may use elsewhere. This strategy essentially gives you two opportunities to convert users.

time on page” metrics for the landing page you may be able to properly time the pop-up to deliver when users typically bounce.

Within your Nudge dashboard, you can view and export statistics on performance that are very similar to the dashboards you would see in a paid channel like Google Ads. This gives you the ability to run multiple campaigns with specific triggers based on the user’s actions on your website or landing page. As a result, you can directly tie revenue back to the Nudge Campaigns you set up through the platform.
Let’s finish off with a quick recap:
On bounce: One of the more commonly used triggers, you have the ability to deliver a pop-up when a user is about to exit out of the tab within their browser. This is useful for last-minute discounts or other ways to re-engage site visitors.

How do I measure the results of my pop-up campaigns?

Add to cart stage: In this stage, the user has added a product to their cart but has not completed the purchase yet. From my experience with ecommerce clients, many who add products to their cart get cold feet and wind up leaving the website without ever purchasing the product(s). A pop-up that triggers when the user is about to exit the page or after an extended period of idle time on the page would be recommended.
Pop-ups have evolved from obnoxious invasions to personalized experiences that can actually be appealing and helpful. They can expedite the buyer’s journey down the funnel and help ecommerce businesses to increase completed purchases.


Start developing your pop-up strategy now

On click: This trigger can be used on buttons and links and is useful for delivering a pop-up on form submissions. For example, someone adds a product to their cart and they are delivered a pop-up that gives them a discount or sales promotion to help complete the transaction.
There are a variety of tools on the market to help businesses increase conversion rates on their websites. Amongst these solutions lies the infamous pop-up. Travel back in time to the early days of the internet and the term “pop-up” may trigger flashbacks of the pure rage you felt trying to surf the internet in peace while being bombarded with spammy and virus-inducing windows.

  • We covered two pop-up strategies: the funnel strategy and the ecommerce strategy.
  • Common types of pop-ups include: on page load, on bounce, on scroll, and on click.
  • Measuring the success of your popups is important in being able to tie revenue back to specific pop-up campaigns.

Flash forward to the current iteration of the internet and it’s a very different place. Businesses now have ways of implementing pop-up messages that not only look good aesthetically, but also help increase the probability of a desired action being taken on a web page.

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