Vendor management is critical to robust marketing operations, especially considering the number of IT or technology supplier portfolio continues to grow. According to a 2019 study by Netskope, enterprise organisations can work with over 120 cloud services, with each one requiring varying degrees of integration.
Another area of high performance is lead generation. Again, this is largely a question of Marketing’s alignment with other teams, as MOPS helps to establish common metrics and technology with Sales.
A key part of this relationship is data (or what MOPS enables organisations to do with it). MOPS enables companies to standardise data and insights, leading 67% of respondents to agree that operations impacts efficiency by “centralising complex tasks around data handling and providing a single source of truth.”
Ultimately, MOPS should make businesses more efficient and able to adapt quickly to change. Indeed, Adobe’s 2021 Digital Trends report found that B2B organisations with defined MOPS functions were found to be 53% more likely to outperform their peers in H2 2020.

Data is only as useful as disparate teams can make it

Ultimately, MOPS should make businesses more efficient and able to adapt quickly to change. Indeed, Adobe’s 2021 Digital Trends report found that B2B organisations with defined MOPS functions were found to be 53% more likely to outperform their peers in H2 2020.

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