For more tips on using the LinkedIn Website Demographics tool for PPC success, head here.
This PPC strategy is useful for advertisers to show clients how their display ads are impacting their campaign performance (i.e., to show that the money you’re spending on Display ads is worth it).
So be sure to upload your Microsoft keyword lists to Google and Google keyword lists to Microsoft. (P.S. You can also use our Free Keyword Tool to get Bing and Google performance data in one place.)

Google’s retirement of modified broad was based on their claim that “broad match is now more effective at driving performance” and that modified broad and phrase match often have the same use cases. The PPC community largely begged to differ. Even if it is more effective, broad match will always carry the risk of wasting money on low-converting traffic. 

As third-party cookies are in their final stages of life, collecting first-party data is now a priority for advertisers. While you can (and should) include lead magnets on your site that collect email addresses and other information, you can scale that data collection by using lead form ads, particularly on Facebook.
Two ways to do it:
That’s why I’m going to share with you eight PPC strategies that you can use today to overcome the many challenges we’re facing today.

negative keyword list to begin with.

How to do it:

2. Turn YouTube Studio into a video and display ad optimization tool

What you can do:
For more ways to deal with Facebook Aggregated Event Measurement, head here.
Not only does the messages objective spare you the conversion event complications, but you can also do more with its current iteration. In particular, you can basically turn it into a conversational lead ad.

  • Plug leaks in spend: In the Device type report, you can add the “Card clicks” and “Average percentage viewed” columns to find any device types that are showing your ads but not getting any card clicks.
traffic to your videos and then use them to build custom audiences for Display, Video, or Discovery campaigns.
  • Get placement ideas: In the Suggested Videos report, find out which videos you’re appearing for in the closing suggestions and use them for video or channel placement ideas.
  • Perfect your video ads: The Key Moments report will show you the exact moments in your videos when viewers engaged or dropped off. It doesn’t get any more specific than that!
  • limited Search Terms Report).

    With this strategy, you’ll create a workaround by pairing the broad match keyword type with larger affinity, in-market, and custom audiences.
    Going from unlimited to-dos to only eight? Fun.

    other advertisers are bidding on and see if it’s feasible for you to compete.

    YouTube Studio is widely known as a hub for Creators, but when connected with Google Ads account, it becomes an invaluable tool for more than just video ad optimization. 
    But with this workaround, you can get the benefits of broad match at a much lower risk. 
    What you’ll do is paste a list of keywords into the tool’s Excel interface. You’ll then get a list of keyword recommendations with volume, bid estimates, and [lots of] other metrics.

    4. Use display ads for more than just brand awareness

    What you’ll do is paste a list of keywords into the tool’s Excel interface. You’ll then get a list of keyword recommendations with volume, bid estimates, and [lots of] other metrics.

    5. Run lead generation ads to scale first-party data collection

    Learn more about this PPC strategy here.
    Once you select the messages objective, go through the standard campaign setup (media type, primary text, headline, etc.) Then, scroll down to the Message Template section and select “Generate Leads – Messenger Only.”

    • The first is by adding custom questions to your Facebook lead ad Instant form. But since more fields can lower completion rate, you might instead select fields that auto-populate based on the information the user has made public in their profile.  
    capture a large volume of leads. Then, enroll them into your email marketing campaigns that both build trust and send them to your site. These trusting visitors will now be more likely to fill out forms there with additional [first-party-data-collecting] fields.

    How to use it:

    6. Use LinkedIn Website Demographics to refine your B2B buyer personas

    Learn more about this PPC strategy here.
    Going from unlimited Facebook conversion events to only eight? Not fun.

    • Segment the users who clicked on your LinkedIn ads by job function. You can then compare this data to your pixel data to measure conversions by function. This way, if you’re getting a large amount of traffic from, say, BDRs but they don’t convert, you can either adjust your offer or exclude them in your LinkedIn audiences or Microsoft Ads profile targeting. 
    ad copy to include a starting price.
  • Filter by job seniority to identify the best types of content to use in your B2B marketing strategies. For example, low-seniority prospects might engage with high-level overviews and educational content while those of higher seniority might respond better to leadership topics or ROI-focused content.
  • Use these insights on your audience to identify placement options for niche sites your top buyers are visiting.
  • As I mentioned from the start, these strategies and the tools to carry them out have been around for a while. But they’re resurfacing as the PPC world is heading toward one that is privacy-first (and by the looks of it, heavily automated).

    7. Use custom conversion events to cope with Facebook [aggravated] Event Measurement

    For more help with this strategy, head here.
    You could also steer clear of conversion events and pixels altogether by using Facebook campaign objectives that don’t send users to your site—like leads (mentioned above) and messages (mentioned below). 
    You can also take those audiences you created and apply them in observation mode to your ad groups or campaigns in Search. This way, you can get information on what users are searching for after interacting with your Display ads.

    Facebook funnel, make the ad creative and copy the same for all industries. Now you can create one Custom Conversion event for all webinar signups, and then choose that one Custom Conversion as just one of your aggregated events.
  • Seasonal actions together (you can switch out your eight events if needed).
  • Click Create and you can set up a conditional chat sequence to gather information and further qualify leads.

    8. Turn click-to-Messenger ads into lead-generating chatbots

    PPC best practices—like segmenting and targeting your audience, choosing the right keywords, and using data to optimize—are pretty evergreen. But because platforms evolve, companies grow, and customer behaviors shift, the strategies we use to practice them are usually not. 
    Now, you can plug the list of new keywords you come up with into the Google Keyword Planner. And don’t exclude low-volume keywords. You’d be surprised to see how many keywords that have little to no search volume in Bing are actually quite popular on Google—and vice versa.
    The conversational approach to information gathering can sometimes engage users who might completely ignore a direct response ad. It’s also a more creative method that might be more appealing to fatigued audiences.
    How to do it:

    Of course, you’ll need a robust email and content marketing program set up so you can provide offers your target audience considers worth giving up their information for. 
    And we’ve seen lots of challenging changes over the past year or so from Google, Apple, and Facebook in the name of automation, privacy, and pandemics.

    Use these 8 PPC strategies to move with the direction of advertising in 2021

    Why? Because YouTube Studio gives you access to data and insights you won’t find in standard Google Ads reporting.

    1. Pair broad match with audience targeting as a modified broad workaround.
    2. Turn YouTube Studio into a video and display ad optimization tool.
    3. Get new keyword ideas with Microsoft Advertising Intelligence.
    4. Use display ads for more than just brand awareness.
    5. Run lead generation ads to scale your first-party data collection.
    6. Use LinkedIn Website Demographics to refine your B2B buyer personas.
    7. Combine events to cope with Facebook [aggravated] Event Measurement.
    8. Turn click-to-Messenger ads into lead-generating chatbots

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