Always make it about them! This is easy if you have customer data or achievements to share, but not necessary. The example above reads:
There are three CTAs in this email, but they all work nicely together. The first is to view your report. The report itself is packed with stats, superlatives, and comparison information that will inspire you use the platform even more in the coming year, and the preceding copy encourages this:
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And on the flip side, when you express appreciation for their support, you strengthen the bond that keeps them coming back to you.
That’s a wrap for 2017. But we can’t wait to share what next year has in store for creators, brands, and video lovers like Y-O-U. Until then, upload away and keep our screens glowing. bright.

  • Why write a year-in-review email
  • How to keep it customer-centric
  • Lots of ideas and examples to inspire you

Why write a year-in-review email?


Strengthen confidence in your business

As you can see, year-in-review emails are a gem of a method to drive business goals at the end of the year while also engaging and delighting your customers and readers. Plus, they’re fun. What yearly recap emails do you look forward to receiving? Let me know in the comments!

Maintain loyalty

Great work this year and thank you for being such an integral part of our growth in 2021.
We couldn’t be more excited for 2019. But before we get ahead of ourselves, lets remember that a lot happened in 2018. Like, a lot. Let’s wrap an amazing, video-opacked year with our greatest Vimeo Hits.

Reduce churn

If I were a Texture customer, I’d be motivated to beat everyone’s average,
save more money, and spare more trees next year. (Image source)

Customers appreciate when you share what you’re proud of with them. It tells them they are a part of your community and you value their opinion. It also reminds them of how hard you work and gives them reason to continue supporting you.

Year-in-review email ideas

You paid to be in it. You paid to get your copy. And now it’s yours. But do you start at page one? No no. The order is as follows: Your own picture. The senior superlatives. The teams or clubs you belong to. The rest.

1. Growth stats

My point is, we don’t just love to reminisce. We love to read about ourselves. See the fruits of our investments. Feel a part of something bigger. And it is with this point in mind that I’m sharing with you today how to write a year-in-review email for your customers that they will actually read! Read on to learn:
You’ll notice in just about all of these examples there are numbers. People love the numbers and the tangibles.

2. Milestones & achievements


3. Account-specific reports

Great design, not a year-in-review. (Image source)
2015 was a huge year for Big Cartel –  not only for our team, but for the army of talented artists who build their businesses with us. Thank you for making our favorite moments from this year possible, and for being a part of this incredible community.

4. Superlatives

2015 was a huge year for Big Cartel –  not only for our team, but for the army of talented artists who build their businesses with us. Thank you for making our favorite moments from this year possible, and for being a part of this incredible community.

4. Make it customer-centric

Keep it separate from your holiday greeting or promotional emails

It then has a CTA to enroll in a free class to improve your productivity in the coming year, and to claim a discount for certain industries .

The only thing it’s missing is a thank you!
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Year-in-review email examples

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Share your year-in-review emails!

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