…drumroll please…
And if you think I forgot about dubstep dancing, think again.
Google Ads gives us plenty of free and useful tools, like the Keyword Planner, budget report, and offline conversions import helper tool. But let’s take a look at tools outside of Google Ads that your competitors may not know about.
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Let’s get into it.
As of June 30, 2022, responsive search ads will be the only search ad type you can create or edit for both Google and Microsoft ads (here’s the story in case you missed it). As such, it only felt right to kick off this list with a free RSA template from Optimise Lab.

10 free Google Ads tools to try now

Data Studio is another free tool to help you with better PPC reporting. In the free marketing template library, there are reports for:

1. Optimise Lab’s free responsive search ad builder

If this 12-year-old can master dubstep dance in eight months with YouTube alone, then you can certainly stand to benefit from a Google Ads tutorial or two. Our round-up up of the best Google Ads training courses contains plenty of tutorials. We also have a few of our own, like:
free google ads tools - responsive search ad template
Enter a term or URL into the tool, choose your location and industry if you so please, and get hundreds of relevant keywords to target with your ads and website content—with cost per click and competition levels for Google and Bing. You can then get the keywords emailed to you in a CSV.

2. WordStream’s Free Google Ads Grader

The Free Keyword Tool.

  • Wasted spend
  • Click-through rate
  • Best practices
  • Long-tail keywords
  • Quality Score
  • Impression share
  • Account activity
  • Mobile optimization

1. Dubstep dancing
2. Google Ads
3. Saying no to free stuff
Okay so this tool you probably do know about since it’s plastered all over our site. But that’s because it’s awesome. Sure, Google Ads will show you your campaign metrics, but metrics alone won’t give you the full picture of your performance. WordStream’s free Google Ads Performance Grader uses 17 factors to tell you how your account is really doing, like:

3. Whatagraph’s free Google Ads reporting template

Here’s another free generator tool for you to try out. In StoryLab’s free Google ad headline generator, enter the name of your product, service, or offering, a brief description, then click “Inspire me!” (that’s a fun call to action phrase).
Ink’s free Google Ads description generator uses AI to help you write ads that convert. Of course, you can’t rely on a machine to generate your descriptions. You need to do your keyword research and cultivate ad copy over time based on results. But this tool can help you get ideas to start with, or even for copy elsewhere in your marketing materials.
Select “change” in the black box on the right to connect your Google Ads account and see your own information displayed.
free google ads tools - data studio report template
Select any report and in the upper right, click where it says “Click to select your data” so you can connect your account.

4. Google Data Studio’s free Google Ads dashboard templates

And as such, I’ve rounded up 10 free tools to help you succeed with Google Ads—from ad creation, account structure, and audits to RSAs, reporting, and ROI.

  • Discovery performance
  • Search creative performance
  • Daily budget depletion (you can also use the Google Ads budget report)
  • Display network
  • Shopping
  • Account health
  • Search Impression share
  • Search impression share lost (budget & bid)
  • Display impression share lost (budget & bid)
  • Shopping auction insights
  • Local campaign store report
  • Search ads 360 data driven attribution

And if you’re in the cross-channel marketing game, you can do this for a slew of other platforms, like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Analytics, Facebook Page, and more.
best keyword research tools: wordstream free keyword tool
Not bad, right? I wouldn’t necessarily use these word for word in my Google Ads copy, but there are some good ideas in there, like “in-depth insights,” “how it impacts your bottom line,” and “what’s going on behind the scenes.” And the fact that it came up with terms like bids and advertising budget is pretty cool.
You’ll have to create a free account to see your results, but no credit card information needed).

5. YouTube’s free Google Ads tutorials

The post will also show you how to customize your cost analysis report to your liking and see your ROAS. free google ads tools - google data studio templates

6. Ink’s Free Google Ads description generator


Things that can be hard:
Create a free account, select Google Ads as the platform, then choose the data you’re looking for (conversions, traffic, or ecommerce). You’ll then see a report based on sample data:

  • Product name: Google Ads Performance Grader
  • Brief concept: Free audit of your Google Ads account with score and recommendations.

Speaking of doing your keyword research, we’ve got a free tool for that! It’s got a fancy name. It’s called…
free google ads tools - ink description generatorIt is called a headline generator but it only generates descriptions.
In less than a minute, you’ll get an in-depth, easy-to-read report with your score plus exactly how to improve it. Try the free Google Ads Performance Grader now.

7. WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool

Whether you’re looking to make Google Ads account optimizations, better track your performance, or write better ad copy, these free tools can help make your life easier. Give them a shot!
free google ads tools - ink description generator results
I tested this one as well with our Google Ads Grader.
How much does Google Ads cost? This depends on so many things so we can’t give you a definitive answer, but we can give you a tool to help you plan, pace, and stay within your target budget. It’s a free Google Ads budget pacing template by Supermetrics that will help you to keep track of and visualize your budget and projections for any number of accounts. You can even set up email notifications for certain budget thresholds.
I tried the tool out for our Google Ads Grader.
The results? Not too bad.

8. StoryLab’s free Google Ads Headline Generator

With so many PPC metrics, it can be hard to make heads or tails of the reports in the Google Ads interface. Whatagraph’s free Google Ads report template visualizes key metrics like like clicks, impressions, conversions, and more to help you stay on track with your KPIs.
Here’s what I got:
free google ads tools - cost data import template

  • Name: Google Ads Performance Grader
  • Description: Get a free, instant report on your Google Ads account performance, with recommendations on how to improve your score and get more out of your budget.

free google ads tools - supermetrics budget templateYou may also be interested in the Google Ads budget report.
Did you know that you can view your ad costs in Google Analytics for ads other than Google Ads? All you need is the data import tool in Google Ads and a CSV. Easy but not so peasy. That’s why we have a post on how to import your cost data into Google Analytics, step by step. In it you’ll find a free Google sheet template to use in the process.
free google ads tools - whatagraph google ads reporting template

  • Grade your Google Ads performance instantly.
  • See how you stack up! Run a FREE Google
  • Grader Report
  • Your Google Ads Performance Grader
  • Find out exactly how you’re doing and

Use the template to build RSA campaigns fast. Also, don’t miss these seven things to do to make sure you’re prepared for this change.

9. WordStream’s free Google Analytics cost data import template

Enter your product name and “brief concept” of 100 characters or less. Hit create, and see what you get.
free google ads tools - storylab headline generator
[embedded content]

10. Supermetrics’ free Google Ads budget template

Try our Free Keyword Tool here.
free google ads tools - storylab headline generator

Improve your search ad performance with these free Google Ads tools

You get 25 runs free when you create an account and can also try out the Google Ads description generator.

  1. Optimise Lab’s free RSA template
  2. WordStream’s free Google Ads Performance Grader
  3. Whatagraph’s free Google Ads reporting template
  4. Google Data Studio’s free Google Ads dashboard templates
  5. YouTube’s free Google Ads tutorials
  6. Ink’s free Google Ads description generator
  7. WordStream’s Free Keyword Tool
  8. StoryLab’s free Google Ads Headline Generator
  9. WordStream’s free Google Analytics cost data import template
  10. Supermetrics’ free Google Ads budget template

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