We’ve all been there, and there’s a quick solution. At Depositphotos, we jokingly call it “cuteness overload.” You need to find the funniest, most endearing, or tear-jerking visual you can, come up with a relatable caption, and share it! Audiences love this type of content because it boosts their mood and distracts them from everyday tasks.
Event Facebook post ideas:
In the example below, Lenovo shares a picture and challenges its followers to find all seven mini-laptops hidden in it.
interactive facebook post ideas - hubspot question example
engaging facebook post ideas - behind the lens example

How to create engaging posts for Facebook: Tips & trends

More industry trend Facebook post ideas:

  • Create Facebook-specific content: It’s common to share the same content on every platform—quick and easy! But the best Facebook posts are tailored to fit the mindsets and analytical insights of your audience on the Facebook platform—which may be different from Instagram, TikTok, and the like. This will give you the highest chances of engagement.
  • Add value: Your Facebook page shouldn’t be a catalog of products or services. It should inspire, educate, entertain, and help your audience. This approach will help you achieve multiple goals, from increasing brand awareness to growing a community and building customer loyalty.
  • Diversify Facebook post formats: It’s a social media marketing best practice to vary up what you’re posting about and how. Make use of Facebook’s versatility and create a variety of posts, like:
    • Videos
      According to the latest video stats, video remains the most effective digital marketing tool.
    • Images with captions
    • Animated clips and gifs
    • Polls and questionnaires
    • Cards
    • Memes
    • DIYs
    • Reviews
    • Q&A or interviews
    • Infographics
  • Prioritize visuals: Stats show that over 60% of the world’s population are visual learners. Moreover, our brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text. The most engaging posts on Facebook are attractive and aligned with your visual brand identity. You can start small by choosing relevant photos or videos on stock photography platforms for your posts and even cover photos:

engaging facebook post ideas - holiday product promotion example
An Advent-themed Facebook campaign like the one above by us at Depositphotos is a great way to engage with your customers, encourage more sales, and attract new followers.

Engagement posts for Facebook

Another engaging Facebook post idea is to play guessing games with your audience. You can devote it to an upcoming launch and warm up your community in advance. Or you can use this format to keep your brand in sight by interacting with your audience.

Facebook polls

These Facebook post ideas have helped us here at Depositphotos to grow our brand community, spread awareness about our products, and increase sales. To bring results, many of them required brand marketing team resources to develop an effective strategy and commission creative content for Facebook. Although creating truly engaging posts for Facebook might seem like a time-consuming task, your effort will pay you off in the long term.
Similar to trends, insights gathered from data and studies also make great Facebook post content. Turn a compelling stat into a bite-sized visual and share it with a link to the full report. You can do this with your own reports or with others in your industry.
Pop culture topics for Facebook posts:
interactive facebook post ideas - lenovo game post example

  • This product or that?
  • Would you rather…
  • What do you want to see more of?
  • Which is your favorite?
  • Which topic do you want for the next blog post?

Last but not least are Facebook post ideas about your company. In the world of social media marketing, you don’t want every post to directly promote your business, so keep a balance and be sure to add value through these posts as much as possible.

Guessing games

World events that can inspire engaging Facebook posts:
This type of content should be the bulk of your content strategy anyway—as it builds trust and shows your expertise—so you should have plenty of it! You can create videos, cards, and links to blog posts.
More product update Facebook post ideas:
engaging facebook post ideas - deposit photos trends report example
Audiences more often engage with and stay loyal to brands that inspire positive emotions. “Caption this photo” posts can help you achieve that by asking your subscribers to create funny, witty, or unexpected captions related to your brand or team.
interactive facebook post ideas - poll post example

  • Guess the meaning of the word/the word that matches this definition
  • Guess which product is yours vs a more expensive alternative
  • How many are in this picture
  • Guess the price

Ask a question

Popular topics attract attention and also demonstrate that you’re on the same page with your audience and in the know of things on their agenda.
engaging facebook post ideas - event announcement post example
You can also use polls on Instagram to gather intel and drive engagement.

  • Share perspective/opinion, then: Do you agree? What about you?
  • Share a favorite then ask “What’s yours?”
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received about [relevant topic]?
  • If you had to pick ONE [choice], what would it be?
  • Ask for recommendations.

Caption this photo

To boost engagement even more, you can reward the game winners with prizes, offers, or discounts from your brand.
Question posts can be yes/no, open-ended, multiple-choice, or even rhetorical. While polls are quicker and easier, questions and manual polls allow your followers to share more about themselves and to spark discussions within the post’s comments.
At Depositphotos, we change our cover image out to align with the seasons.
Question post ideas for Facebook:

  • Funny pictures from the office
  • Employee pets
  • Photos taken of customers at your location
  • Photos representing the problems your product/service solves.

Informative & practical Facebook post ideas

Table of contents

Industry trends

Invite your community to celebrate your milestones with you. Not only will they feel valued, but you can increase brand awareness and maybe even get some new brand advocates on your side.
All the tips shared above require some preparation and time. But what if you run out of Facebook post ideas, get swamped with urgent tasks, forget to schedule a publication, or all of the above?
engaging facebook post ideas - cuteness overload post example

  • Curate news or thought leadership articles relevant to your industry, or create your own.
  • Do a Facebook Live with an influencer or share an interview write-up.
  • Share a weekly or monthly roundup of blog posts, updates, or resources relevant to your audience.

Data posts

Ideas for tip, tutorial, and how-to Facebook posts:
Let the battle begin! Beach lover vs mountain lovers. Which side are you on?

Tips, tutorials & how-tos

More Facebook post poll ideas:
Many brands and content creators alike use Facebook as a key social media marketing platform. Distributing content and engaging with an audience on networks seems to be an easy task at first glance, but as your brand grows, it becomes more challenging to come up with new, creative post ideas regularly.
More guessing game post ideas:

  • Everything you need to know about [topic] in one minute (video post)
  • Five-minute tutorial series
  • One minute tip of the day
  • Product shortcuts, how-to’s, and troubleshooting
  • Mistakes to avoid

Engaging Facebook post ideas about current events

engaging facebook post ideas - tutorial video example

World events

engaging facebook post ideas - company updates and milestones example
Not only do customer success stories build trust and help to convert prospects into customers, but they also help to build a community around your brand.
Whether you work in tech, fashion, or any other field, Facebook polls are a great way to not only engage with your Facebook followers, but to make decisions. For instance, if you can’t decide on color choices for your packaging or the next topic to cover on your blog, you can create a poll and ask your subscribers to help you choose. By doing so, you’ll learn more about your audience but also show that you care about their opinion.

  • Sport events like the Superbowl, Olympics, Masters, etc.
  • International and national days like World Peace Day, International Beer Day, etc. (see the ultimate list of social media holidays here).
  • Elections.
  • Causes like climate change, fighting cancer, and more.

Pop-culture events

Is event marketing in your strategy? Facebook is the right platform to communicate with your audience on the topic. You’ll want to create a Facebook event to allow people to subscribe and follow all the updates, but you should still continue posting announcements, invites, and reminders on your business page.
When announcing product updates, share a video tutorial, clarifying caption, and a link to the blog post or page sharing more details. These posts give you the opportunity to answer all the critical questions about the updates and deliver the information in a simple format. For your audience, a post like this is something they can save and quickly access in case any questions arise.
Sharing content relevant to your industry is paramount to social media marketing for businesses, but you can always find ways to connect news and events outside of your niche, with your niche.

  • Generational trends
  • Social change
  • Books, movies, songs
  • Viral videos
  • Famous figures
  • Influencers

Holidays & occasions

That’s why we’ve come up with over 62 Facebook post ideas to drive engagement, better connect with your audience, and grow your brand community. From polls to pop culture, promotions to puppies, there is something in here for everyone.
Unless you have a puppy.
Testimonial Facebook post ideas:
There are 7 mini laptops in this picture…can you find them all?

  • Gift guides
  • Announcements of your promos and deals
  • Customer appreciation posts
  • Inspiring stories
  • The plain and simple customer greeting
  • Advent calendar

engaging facebook post ideas - depositphotos advent calendar example

Being one of the leading stock photography marketplaces with a 12-year history, Depositphotos knows the recipe for eye-catching and engaging posts on Facebook.  creating engaging posts for Facebook. Here are our top tips for

Engaging Facebook post ideas about your company

Good morning campers! Saturday challenge for you – BEST CAPTIONS PLEASE!!

Product updates

engaging facebook post ideas - industry insights post example
interactive facebook post ideas - caption this photo example
Don’t miss our holiday Facebook post ideas here!

  • Run a teaser series before the announcement.
  • Post a video of your product manager announcing the update.
  • Share three things your customers can do with the new feature.

Company milestones

The same story goes for videos, blog articles, and memes related to pop culture—especially if you use hashtags. These posts can expand your reach, attract more followers, and engage your existing audience in discussion.
Of course, all of your Facebook posts should be engaging, but Facebook engagement posts are those that are created specifically for engagement. These include polls, games, questions, and more. Let’s take a look at some ideas and examples.
Show that you’re on top of your industry by sharing share blog posts, Youtube videos, or custom cards on industry trends. As we mentioned above, this content should be visually appealing so as to catch your audience’s attention and encourage them to read.

  • Anniversaries
  • Awards
  • nth employee or nth customer
  • Reached 100, 1,000, etc. followers
  • Partnerships

Event announcements

Milestone Facebook post ideas:
facebook engagement posts - puppy
Holiday Facebook post ideas:

  • Create an invitation graphic
  • Create a countdown series
  • Share custom visuals in line with the event’s theme
  • Share photos from the last event

Testimonial posts

Of course, not every post you publish on Facebook should require audience participation—you don’t want to exhaust your followers and it won’t look good to have a post up with no answers. Useful and practical posts, on the other hand, can get unsolicited comments and also tend to get shared more.
engaging facebook post ideas - super bowl fashion post example
engaing facebook post ideas - logo design post example

  • Share screenshots of customer reviews
  • Post a one-minute case study video
  • Share a short Q&A with your customer
  • Publish a full testimonial video

When in doubt, turn to #cutenessoverload

facebook cover photo example
engaging facebook post ideas - product update post example
Caption this photo post ideas:

Use these Facebook post ideas to increase engagement

Maria Sibirtseva is the Content Team Lead at Depositphotos where she works on creative projects, curates content production, and manages the copywriting department.

About the author

An essential part of your Facebook content plan should be posts devoted to holidays and special occasions. People love to celebrate, and you can spread the feeling of cheerfulness and joy by congratulating them on holidays, or providing them with thematic content (be it a blog post, insightful stats, cards, or video).

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