Free SEO Tools for Do-it-yourself Analysis

Check My Links. Broken links and redirects hurt usability and send bad signals to Google. Thus regularly checking all links is critical. Multiple tools can analyze (and fix) on-page links for any page.
Lighthouse is part of Chrome’s “Tools for Web Developers.” It evaluates a page’s:

Free DIY SEO Tools

Google Lighthouse. The above tools locate mainly easy-to-fix glitches. Google’s Lighthouse, while free, can identify problems that likely require an expert.

  • Rankings and traffic-driving search queries,
  • Page load times and user-friendliness,
  • Declines in rankings and organic traffic,
  • Links to your site and with the anchor text,
  • Manual penalties or warnings.

Check Google cache for any page, yours or a competitor’s, provided the site has not blocked Google from caching.

  • Only 16 months of data.
  • The “Links” report is inexact. Through years of experience, I now combine third-party tools with Search Console to find all backlinks.
  • Your site only. Analyzing a competitor’s site requires (paid) external tools.
Screenshot of Search Console Performance report
Screenshot of Search Console Performance report Google’s cache displays a page’s text-only version as Google interprets it.

Not all SEO problems can be identified or fixed in-house. Many can, however, especially for small and mid-sized websites. But larger sites and those with custom code and complex functionality typically require professional help.
Check My Links, a Chrome extension, is one example. It will color-code links on a page:

  • Performance: A Core Web Vitals check assessing load times and mobile functionality.
  • Accessibility: Highlighting elements that are hard to read or access by blind or disabled users.
  • SEO: Meta tags, structured data, and more.
Screenshot of a Lighthouse Performance score
Screenshot of a Lighthouse Performance score LinkMiner is a similar extension. Broken Link Checker, a free WordPress plugin, identifies and fixes broken links and redirects, as do other plugin alternatives that include additional features.


Check My Links, a Chrome extension, will color-code links on a page to help evaluate.