Functioning differently than other ads and providing users with a quicker, more engaging ad experience motivates consumers to act. It encourages them to dig deeper and discover even more. 
The world-renowned candy brand, Gushers does an excellent job creating entertaining and creative advertisements on TikTok. As a result, their videos often receive millions of views and tons of engagement. For example, one of their first TikTok ads garnered nearly 5 million views!

What are TikTok Collection Ads?

The whole idea behind this is to change the way ads operate and how consumers interact with them. For example, consumers don’t fall for simply seeing a product ad anymore; they need more of a push if you want them to buy the product. 
  While consumers are on the Instant Gallery Page, they can select certain products of interest and proceed to access the website to complete the purchase.  Once more brands begin using TikTok, the picture will become more straightforward about whether TikTok will follow a similar model to Facebook or Instagram. These major platforms make it easy for anyone to advertise; no budget is too small.
Since the entry point for your Instant Gallery is the actual in-feed video ad, customers will never have to wait for a landing page to load. Again, this immersive experience drives action because it can keep the consumer engaged much more effectively than other ad formats. 

What are the Benefits of TikTok Collection Ads?

You can get started with a free TikTok Ads account, and you’ll be able to create in-feed ads with your own personalized budget and schedule. The minimum budget for a campaign is 0, while the minimum for the ad group budget is . Ad pricing starts at per CPM, AKA cost per 1000 views. 

1. TikTok Collection Ads Drive Product Discovery on Mobile

Affordable and well-known beauty brand E.L.F. has also made good use of TikToks video ads, where their products are at center stage. Any cosmetic lover simply won’t be able to pass up their sublime close-ups of sparkling glitter, shimmering highlights, and glistening lip gloss in action. Collection Ads make it easy for viewers to buy the products they are seeing.

2. TikTok Collection Ads Allow for More Relevancy 

These specialized ads bring together all the best attributes of a TikTok ad. Full-screen mode, vertical orientation, and audio are blended with a fast-loading Instant Gallery Page and product recommendation algorithm. This makes it simpler than ever for consumers to find, discover, and act on more relevant products that they’re interested in seeing.

3. TikTok Collection Ads Create an Immersive Experience

TikTok Collection Ads are currently in the testing phase, meaning that the feature is not yet available for all users on their platform. However, we will give you the rundown on everything you need to know to get started once it’s fully available. 

How do TikTok Collection Ads Work?

TikTok Collection Ads facilitate consumers’ seamless discovery and browsing experience. These ads allow users to browse products in a full-mobile screen format and enable businesses to showcase their products during the in-feed video, outperforming many other ad formats.  Advertisers can allow TikTok Ads Manager automatically display the most relevant products for each visitor, or they can handpick the products they’d like visitors to see when directed to the Instant Gallery Page. 
Collection ads effortlessly entice target customers, immediately engaging them in natural, genuine interaction with your products. Some of the reasons that ads don’t resonate with users could include strange placement on the web page, wrong sizing, static or boring images, lack of relevancy, and poor targeting. With TikTok Collection Ads, consumers are offered something completely different and refreshing that sparks their interest and continues to hold it. 
TikTok Collection Ads give brands the ability to deliver personalized, unique product recommendations. This translates to each user seeing different products within your Instant Gallery based on relevancy for each visitor and ensuring that the right people will see the right product at the right time.
TikTok Collection Ads benefit the consumer as much as they help the brand. There are three main advantages behind Collection Ads on TikTok:

What are TikTok Collection Ads Specs?

Collection Ads typically feature some interactive elements, and when a user clicks on one of these elements, it leads to the Instant Gallery Page that we discussed before. Again, this is where consumers can browse and discover products to purchase. 

  • The aspect ratio should be 9:16, 1:1, or 16:9. 
  • Resolution should be either 720 x 1280 px,  640 x 640 px, and 1280 x 720 px. 
  • MP4, MPEG, MOV, or AVI files can all be used in collection ads. 
  • The video duration should be no less than 5 seconds and no longer than 16 seconds. 
  • The Video file size should be less than 500 MB.

How Much Do TikTok Collection Ads Cost?

Many companies have already begun reaping the benefits of in-feed advertising on TikTok, such as Gushers, E.L.F, and Red Bull. All of these brands, and more, have decided to incorporate in-feed video ads to appeal to their customers in a more authentic, creative, and seamless way.  While the answer isn’t super clear, it shouldn’t put you off to the idea of giving TikTok Ads a try. Spending loads of money is not the only way or the right way to advertise on this exceedingly popular platform. 
Since Collection Ads on TikTok are a type of in-feed video ad, you’ll need to know the correct specs if you want to try it out. For in-feed video ads, such as collection ads, follow these guidelines:
TikTok ads pricing varies greatly depending on the ad’s type and duration. Since businesses and brands are still experimenting with the platform, it’s difficult to understand the average spend or return on investment (ROI).

Best Examples of TikTok Collection Ads

Once you have your Instant Gallery Page set up, you’ll need to publish ads. Unlike regular ads, each product will go through a review process. You can check results in your catalog or Instant Gallery Page Editor. Any products that do not pass this review will not be displayed in your Collection Ads or Instant Gallery Page. This is something to keep in mind. Collection Ads is an ad format on TikTok’s platform that enables users to find, discover, and browse products on their mobile devices in full-screen mode. When Collection Ads are published, you create an ad that will lead to an Instant Gallery Page. This page lets users explore a curated, inspiring collection of your products. 

It’s said that big-name brands can spend anywhere between ,000 to 0,000 on advertising, which makes it pretty clear why we haven’t seen a lot of smaller businesses advertising on the app just yet. That’s not to say they never will, though.
Collection Ads are a unique and exciting new way to advertise to consumers, and they simply can’t get enough of it. This personalized advertising approach is taking the internet by storm. As a result, many brands have already switched from boring, old-school advertising techniques to some of TikTok’s new and exciting ad formats. New advertising methods, such as Collection Ads, lay the groundwork for brands to show off their products to an audience that wants to see them in an engaging, fast, and effective manner. 

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