Go to the template.
People love data. But not a lot of people love math. Be sure to include visuals wherever possible. Create your own branded images if you can (Canva makes this easy), linking to the source of course and including the name of the source right in the image. This is especially important if you’re adapting your visual from theirs. And don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo. Oftentimes you’ll see the same graph recreated by 10 different brands. if there are better ways to visualize the data, be the business that does that.
Go to the template.
If you’re not fully set up on social media and review sites, you can see what customers are asking about your product by looking at the queries that are coming through on your website search.
Check out this post.

Table of contents

Thought leadership blog post ideas


  • X Things [Hobby] Can Teach You About [Topic]: What are you passionate about outside of your business? Can you find a way to connect it with a concept relevant to your readers? Thought leadership doesn’t always mean coming up with new concepts or, well, thoughts. It can also mean coming up with new ways to package old concepts.
  • Experts Weigh In: Is there a “controversial” topic in your niche? Not one that is emotionally charged, but something that can spark a mix of responses. Ask a handful of experts the same question (or set of questions) to get a well-rounded perspective. For an example, check out our Ultimate Guide to PPC Metrics: 17 Experts on the Top 3 Must-Check PPC Metrics
  • X Best Practices I Don’t Follow: What are some standards that you find work against your favor, are antiquated, or simply don’t work for your scenario? Share them and why. Note: To avoid leading anyone astray, be specific about why and make sure to illustrate scenarios when those best practices are, indeed, best.
  • A “Really,” “Truly,” or “Actually” List: Every niche has those keywords that, when searched on Google, bring up pages and pages of results that all basically say the same thing. In our niche, for example, it’s Instagram captions. Drives me bonkers. But you can be the one result that doesn’t just copy and paste what’s already there, and actually take the time to come up with your own authentic list (while still meeting the intent of the keyword, of course). Then make it clear in your SEO title. In fact, I do just that in my 131 [NOT Overused!] New Year’s Instagram Captions.
  • X Things I Wish I Knew / Mistakes I Made: Talking about your shortcomings can be just as effective as your successes. Plus, it makes you more human. Reflect on mistakes you’ve made in your journey doing your line of work, or things you wish you knew sooner. Your readers will appreciate the transparency—not to mention being able to avoid making the same mistakes.
  • Share Your Opinion on Something: Express your mind on a topic in your industry. Just remember that it’s best to also present the opposing opinion or other perspectives involved. A good example is our post on Performance Max: Pros, Cons & Polarized Perspectives.

product support blog post ideas - wordstream example
intriguing blog post ideas - example by wordstream

💡 Pro tip:

intriguing blog post ideas - example by wordstream

💥 Quick culture note:

intriguing blog post ideas - example by wordstream

📊 Important [data] point!

intriguing blog post ideas - example by wordstream

👆 News post pointer

intriguing blog post ideas - example by wordstream

Spinoff blog posts

  • Do a deeper dive into one strategy in a list of strategies
  • Turn one popular topic into a series. Our best time to post series is a great example of this.
  • Do a sequel or V2 of a topic. For example, our 120 Emotional Words and Phrases was a hit. So what did we do? 273 MORE Emotional Words and Phrases.
  • Find a post that is driving the most goal completes and create spinoffs. Even if it doesn’t rank or drive as much traffic, the traffic it does drive may be well worth it.
  • Verticalize your content. If a post with general ideas or tactics performs well, create industry or category-specific iterations of that post.

Intriguing blog posts

  • X Questions You Should Ask About [Topic]
  • What No One Tells You About [Topic]
  • X Things You Didn’t Know About [Topic]
  • X Things to Check BEFORE You [Action]
  • X [Topic] Mistakes to Avoid
  • X Stats That Will Change Your Mind About
  • Think X? Think Again.
  • The Science/Psychology/Math Behind [Topic]
  • X Underrated/Underused Tactics
  • X Tips/Shortcuts/Hacks You Wish You Knew Sooner
  • Timeline/history behind your industry

intriguing blog post ideas - example by wordstream

Helpful blog posts

  • Favorite tool, book, or resource list
  • Create an in-depth graphic or infographic and walk through it
  • Top blogs/influencers to follow in your niche
  • Common challenges and  how to overcome them
  • Common goals and how to achieve them
  • Example/templates

Check out this post.
Don’t forget that you can also repurpose your blog posts into other types of content, like videos, webinars, podcasts, infographics, social posts, ebooks, and more.

Never run out of blog post ideas again

Here are two templates you can use for how-to blog posts that you want to use for SEO purposes.

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