Keywords Everywhere is a handy extension to copy those related keywords. The premium version adds each query’s volume and cost per click (from Google Ads’ Keyword Planner).
SEO Minion can also copy URLs from other sections, such as video carousels, product URLs from shopping results, and local businesses’ URLs from 3-packs.

Search Result Tools

4. Copy Autocomplete suggestions. Google’s autocomplete is a valuable source of keyword and content ideas. Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to copy those suggestions other than manually — search a phrase, then copy what autocomplete suggests.

The above tools make it easy to extract URLs and related data from top search results. From there, you can analyze those pages and expand keywords.

  • Open the extension.
  • Type your search query.
  • Paste the domain to see its listing and position in search results.

SE Ranking’s tool is not free. But it analyzes mobile and desktop results, while SEO Minion is desktop only.

Screenshot of SEO Search Simulator
Screenshot of SEO Search Simulator 5. Copy related search queries. Two additional sections of Google’s search results beyond autocomplete provide keyword ideas: “People also ask” and “Related searches.”

Keywords Everywhere copies the queries in “Related searches” (at left) and “People also ask.”
Keywords Everywhere copies the queries in “Related searches” (at left) and “People also ask.”
Keywords Everywhere copies the queries in “Related searches” (at left) and “People also ask.”
Keywords Everywhere copies the queries in “Related searches” (at left) and “People also ask.”

Here are five handy tools to analyze search results on Google.

Screenshot of Keywords Everywhere pages
Screenshot of Keywords Everywhere pages

Extract and Analyze

SERP Help places autocomplete suggestions in a “bucket” for easy copying.

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