These three factors may surprise you, but simply changing these things can have a huge effect on your website’s speed.
To keep the experience consistent around the world, a CDN or Content Delivery Network will deliver web pages to users from a local server. That way everything moves faster.

3 Factors That Hinder Your Website’s Speed  

Be sure to let us know how these tips helped you decrease your loading times and increase your conversions in the comments below!

1. Large Images

Ideally, you want your website to load within one second for the best results. That will set a great first impression for users and facilitate a better UX overall. Today we’ll look at 3 factors that are slowing your website down, and then I’ll show you an infographic packed with info on how to speed things up!

2. You Don’t Have a CDN

Any and all web designers will agree that the user experience (UX) is the most important aspect of any website’s design. This experience begins from the moment a user enters your site and it can end just as quickly if your website loads slowly. I’m not talking about fifteen or thirty seconds either. Users will often leave if you site takes more than four seconds to load!
Every second you wait is costing you money. It’s time to take action by speeding up your WordPress site. To do this, simply follow the steps outlined in the infographic below.

3. An Inefficient Hosting Company

All those fancy images you have on your site? Did you ever stop to see how large each file was? Loading those files can slow everything down. Luckily, you can keep your images, you just need to optimize them first.

Bring Your Website Up to Speed

The users who come to your site come from a variety of real world places. Some of them are from the United States, while others may be from Canada, Europe, or even South America. Depending on where they are located, loading speeds will change.
[Tweet “Every second you wait is costing you money. Speed up your #WP site. #infographic by @blastyourblog”]
Sometimes the foundation is rotten and your hosting company is the culprit of slow website speed. As a general rule of thumb, businesses should stray away from shared hosting and instead choose something along the lines of VPS or dedicated hosting to ensure they have the resources they need to run their website smoothly.

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