Is where configure the different goals of your experiment. Goals are conversions that you want to track in your test. In this section is where you can access the goal creation tool.

There are Goal Templates that you can use such as “Clicking on a Page Element”, “Visiting a Page with Certain URL”, “Submitting a Form”, and a very complete set of options for goal creation.
Basic configuration settings such as changing the name, the type of experiment or editing its variations. You can choose between an Simple A/B experiment,  split URL experiment and a multivariate experiment types.

1. What Section

This summary has been visually segmented on the different sections that an experiment can be configured. The page updates itself on real time, reflecting changes within the experiment.

2. Site Area Section

What was a text only configuration page, has now improved with many contemporary visual elements and icons providing a better user experience.
This section was previously known as the “Options Section”. In this section you can configure experiment duration, minimum conversion and visitors limits, and where you choose the confidence level at which your test should be considered finished.

3. Goals Section 

Is where you define what pages of your website should be included in the experiment. There are multiple criteria options you can select to decide what pages should be included in the experiment such as: URL, URL with Query, Query Parameter, Page Tags and use comparison operators such as Matches Exactly, Contains, Starts With, and regular expressions.
The new Experiment Summary page is divided visually and logically in 5 sections:
Convert’s new Experiment Summary makes it easier and faster to use, without limiting the possibilities of your tests. If you are ready to move forward with your a/b testing and conversion optimization efforts, try Convert for free.
[Tweet “Goals are #conversions that you want to track in your test w/updated @Convert dashboard.”]

4. Audience Section

[Tweet “New Summary page updates itself on real time reflecting changes within the experiment. #abtesting”]

5. Settings Section

Convert Experiments has just released its new “Experiment Summary” page. The Experiment Summary has been visually redesigned, making it easier and faster for our customers to configure an A/B experiment created on the platform.
In it you are able to configure the audience to which the experiment will be shown. Convert provides you with the power of having a fine grain control over the group of visitors that should be tested on your experiment.

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