Dear Tinuiti family,
Black Lives Matter.
1. We are immediately appointing one of our leading internal voices on diversity to a newly created position 100% dedicated to Diversity and Inclusion efforts at Tinuiti.
4. We will double the percentage of black employees over the next three years at all levels of our business.
2. We will be adding a senior leader of Diversity and Inclusion in 2021.
While we all grapple with emotions of pain and anger, this moment calls all of us to action; to do better and to be better — myself included. As we strive to that end, one thing remains absolute: at Tinuiti, we will not be silent or complacent. 
CEO, Tinuiti
In Solidarity,
The murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor are a heartbreak for all of us. These unfolding tragedies are a stark reminder of the racism and inequality that Black Americans continue to suffer through on an everyday basis.
Zach Morrison
This is only the beginning of our journey, and we are committed to ensuring our business maintains these values.
The advertising and marketing industry has been whitewashed for decades. We challenge all of our industry – our clients, our partners, our peers – JOIN US – double the percentage of your black employees over the next three years at your companies. 
3. Juneteenth is immediately added as an observed Tinuiti holiday for all employees – our physical and virtual offices will be closed.
We know that these words are just words without action. In order to amplify the voices of the black community, and further work to change our company and industry, we commit to the following:

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