Streaming is a highly investable channel for performance marketers. Brands are moving from just testing out the medium to putting significant budgets into streaming ads. Nearly 80% of marketers recognize video (including TV, digital video, social video, and OTT video) as an increasingly important medium (4CInsights) and between 2020 and 2022, CTV (connected TV) ad spend is projected to more than double, growing to 118% (Tech Crunch).

“Outdated approaches have nothing to do with modern performance campaigns. We called it performance OTT (not passive OTT) for a reason. We make non-click-based media trackable, attributable, and optimizable by approaching the optimization problem like mathematicians who also happen to be marketers.” 

Below, we created a custom infographic for marketers to visualize all the key touchpoints involved in getting a streaming ad in front of a viewer.  As marketers, we know that TV has been notoriously hard to measure. But those days are behind us now. Our Streaming+ division has developed patented, machine-learning technology that can accurately measure performance. We work closely with our clients to define the imperatives: visits, add to carts, subscribers, orders, etc., and then train our patented measurement and optimization tool directly onto those targets.
To top it off, at Tinuiti, we provide full transparency into the incremental value of your spend on-demand through our Mobius app. There, you’ll have access to a real-time view of your performance. We’re always keeping our clients updated with as much information/data as possible and our goal is to be a trusted extension of your own team.

1. You Don’t Have Time to Launch, Optimize, and Manage Streaming Ads

Jesse Math
As a result, streaming video ads reached over 1.1 million consumers with an astounding .75 CPA for new accounts created on their mobile app and a homepage visit CPA of “Streaming video is the final frontier and arguably the most powerful on the biggest screen in the house. Now that TV has become digital and measurable—it’s now truly performance-based.” 

2. You Haven’t Invested in Streaming (But You Know You Should)

A common misconception is that streaming video ads are only used to drive upper-funnel awareness. In reality, streaming offers advertisers a wide variety of marketing and sales initiatives, thanks to growing capabilities in scaling, measuring, and data-driven targeting. You can leverage OTT video as a full-funnel performance channel that does more than just build your brand; it can engage and move customers through the entire funnel.

Kolin Kleveno, SVP, Addressable Media at Tinuiti 

At Tinuiti, we can connect your Streaming performance with your other digital marketing channels and measurement platforms, so you can accelerate overall brand performance across every screen your audience happens to be looking at.
Katen Johal, SVP, Business Development at Tinuiti
Jesse Math, VP, Advanced TV & Video Solutions at Tinuiti The streaming world is constantly changing and it can be hard to keep up. Between data providers, publishers, servers, analytics, optimization, and more – the landscape can be overwhelming. Luckily, at Tinuiti, we are well-versed in all things streaming. We speak the language and have the resources and relationships to set our clients up for success in the video streaming space. 

3. You’re Unsure of How to Navigate the Streaming Ecosystem

Streaming is the way of the future, and we’d love to help your brand navigate this ever-evolving landscape. If you’re interested in learning more about Tinuiti’s offerings, check out our Streaming+ page or contact us directly to get started.
If you want to explore the world of streaming and make it a meaningful part of your marketing stack but are unsure of where to start – we’ve got your back. In this article, we’re covering six ways to tell you need to hire a streaming ad agency. Let’s dive into it.
At Tinuiti, we have a dedicated team of streaming pros coupled with patented Machine Learning tech that can help launch, optimize, and manage your streaming ads. Our tech takes important variables into account (creative, device, channel, audience) and outputs a function that is passed onto the Optimization Engine to ensure that you’re getting the most bang for your buck.

4. You’re Worried About Giving Up Control to An Agency or Consultant

It’s difficult to grow and expand your streaming efforts if you’re spending valuable hours on tedious tasks. If you spend less time there, you’ll be able to spend more time growing your brand – it’s as simple as that.  M1 Finance agreed to test OTT—only with the understanding that Tinuiti would provide attribution and measurement of acquisitions driven by OTT exposure. Using custom data visualization dashboards, Tinuiti provided full transparency into each dollar spent at the publisher, device, audience, and market levels, and more, and showed how each of those factors drove performance in site traffic, app downloads, and new account conversions.  Just take a look at how Tinuiti validated OTT’s high-value acquisition performance for digital investment platform M1 Finance before scaling spend. In 2021, Tinuiti pitched streaming video advertising as a means of broadening M1 Finance’s digital footprint, and of doing so in a definitive way: through testing the effectiveness of the new channel in driving high-value accounts across several different audience segments.

5. You’re concerned about bottom-line results. Is Streaming ONLY for upper-funnel growth? 

“When evaluating a channel, all performance marketers ask themselves two questions: Can I acquire users at a profitable rate, and, if so, is this scalable? As it relates to performance OTT, over the past few years, we’ve partnered with dozens and dozens of advertisers who’ve answered both questions with a resounding affirmative.” 

Streaming landscape infographic

Streaming video advertising (also referred to as over-the-top or OTT) is the next generation of performance marketing for brands wanting to optimize their ads with modern machine learning and future-proof them with owned data. Today, streaming is considered more than just a trendit has become a table-stakes channel for growth performance marketers. In fact, the live streaming industry is expected to be valued at 4.3 billion by 2027 (Grand View Research) and as more and more consumers cut the cord to cable, we expect to see that number rise.
“We often get the question: ‘Is performance streaming right for my brand; should my brand try it?’ That question has now shifted to: ‘How is my brand going to make OTT and the streaming landscape work for us?’ There is no world where the channel isn’t right for the brand anymore. The consumer has evolved how they consume media, and we as marketers have to evolve along with our consumers.” 

6. You’re not sure how to measure streaming ads

Sean Odlum, CEO at Bliss Point Media [part of Tinuiti]

It can be hard to hand over the reins at first, but outsourcing day-to-day, tedious tasks to an agency allows you to focus on the bigger picture of your brand (overall business growth, product development, additional advertising/marketing tactics, etc.). Working with an agency can save you valuable time and money in the long run. 

The Engine then spits out the yield maximizing creative deployment by device, day of the week, and hour of the day based on past performance. Creative is then optimized across Advanced TV, OTT, Data-Driven Cable TV, Programmatic Broadcast TV, Addressable TV, YouTube, and (yes) traditional TV as well as audio.
For a more in-depth breakdown of our infographic above (including definitions + more), check out our recent post, “What Is OTT Advertising: A Breakdown of Over-the-Top Ads.”
When it comes to the streaming space specifically, we’ve spent years building relationships with major media publishers such as CBS, Hulu, ABC, Roku, and DirectTV. These direct network connections allow us to increase efficiency and clear hurdles that come along with open exchanges for video.

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