

What Are TikTok Dynamic Showcase Ads?

It’s annoying when you’re browsing online and see an advertisement, and you stop and ask yourself, “Why on earth am I seeing this?” We’ve all been there. None of us like it. This is where Dynamic Showcase Ads swoop in…

3 Tools to Connect with Journalists

Twitter search includes “People,” such as combining “ecommerce” with “reporter.” Tweetdeck is free. Use it to interact and manage your Twitter inbox, even for multiple accounts — such as an account solely for interacting with journalists. Buzzsumo’s prices start at…

Charts: Ecommerce Unicorns 2021

The term “unicorn” refers to a privately-held startup company with a valuation of more than billion. On December 31, 44% of global ecommerce unicorns were in Asia, the highest region. CB Insights “State Of E-Commerce Global 2021 Report” (PDF), issued…

Unsure about a New Project? Try a Pilot Program

The SaaS company considering concierge services might need contractors or virtual assistants to facilitate the test. There is not a one-size-fits-all pilot program. Each is unique to the business. There are, however, common elements most will likely want to include.…

Online Shopping Has Shifted to the Edge

That’s especially the case if a social channel links directly to the product detail page. In a bygone era, shoppers arrived directly on the brand site or via a search engine. Merchants funneled that traffic, typically from the home page…