In the era of automation, AI and bots, we often forget that behind companies there are human beings.If you’re in doubt whether Venngage is the right tool for you or not, you can visit their Gallery and exclaim: Wooow! I can do this with Venngage. Look, I can do this as well!Because honestly, they speak nothing.All the above are SMB SaaS companies that are growing to the skies.
But how exactly is Poptin optimized for conversions?This is a great way to build engagement. Even if someone visits your website many times, at some point, they might come back and create an account just because they remembered you.I can just imagine their potential customers checking this and thinking: Wow! It would be dope to have this on my website.
  • Poptin,
  • Tidio,
  • Venngage,
  • Userpilot.

This is what the hero section of Tidio’s homepage looks like:Why is this great?

  • What are the secret CRO strategies they’re implementing,
  • How they are using psychology on their websites to increase sales,
  • How Tidio reduced the friction of their sign-up page,
  • How Userpilot is telling the story on its landing pages,
  • How Poptin is showcasing features and uses cases on the landing page,
  • How Venngage is using its users’ work to acquire more customers,

The Userpilot team realized that the “user journey” should follow a certain path through the landing pages.From all of this, we can see that there are three layers of engagement on Venngage’s website:Let’s go through each part.
Let’s get started.

How is Poptin Optimized for Conversions?

According to Hubspot, businesses with more than 40 landing pages can generate 12 times more leads than those with 1-5. It seems that Venngage seriously considered these statistics. To be exact, Venngage has a landing page for each feature and use case.

But let me ask you one question: if someone’s already leaving your website, what do you have to lose?
This is a pretty nice CRO strategy.

  1. Showcasing how the features work,
  2. Showcasing the value proposition through examples of what people can do with the tool,
  3. Engaging with website visitors through a mascot,
  4. Using exit-intent popup technology.

When you visit the Templates page, you find thousands of different templates to choose from.

Forget about the illustrationsgifs are better for CRO

Poptin is using this popup:How many times have you seen something like this? ⤵That’s a lot of landing pages.
Let’s quickly recap the most important CRO strategies they’re using and what you should consider implementing in your company:
Although a lot of CRO specialists would tell you that this approach and using long text in the copy is dull and ineffective, I don’t agree with them.

They have a dedicated page (like a blog) called Gallery inside their navbar.When you take a look at their website, you might find sections like this:…and many more.For comparison, here’s another generic feature section the likes of which I’m sure you’ve seen on many websites:I’ve divided their entire CRO strategy into four parts:
No matter how well you narrow down your target audience, there will always be people who have different goals and needs. Exit-intent popups can be a great way of converting people who’ve already decided to leave your website.
Exit-intent popups can be a great way of converting people who’ve already decided to leave your website.
Exit-intent popups can be a great way of converting people who’ve already decided to leave your website.
Exit-intent popups can be a great way of converting people who’ve already decided to leave your website.
Exit-intent popups can be a great way of converting people who’ve already decided to leave your website.
And Userpilot does this in a pretty compelling way.Every website has illustrations like this.
There are two things I especially like on Userpilot’s website that help them improve their conversion rates:
The third step has another goal: to unleash the “aha” moment and convert leads into customers.In a nutshell, Gallery is another layer of engagement Venngage applies with their potential customers.
So what’s stopping optimizers?

How is Userpilot Optimized for Conversions?

And Poptin has its own — a little Macaw parrot, of course, called Poptin.So I’ve been thinking a lot about the why. Why do people always forget about that? Is it because of budget restrictions? Probably not. The most effective CRO strategies are based on psychology, copy and design. No need to spend $$$ on an infinite number of tools.
If there’s one thing I particularly liked about Tidio’s CRO strategy, it’s the way they use the human element to improve conversions and engage with their website visitors.

  1. They’re showcasing the benefits of using Userpilot in an engaging way,
  2. They tell short stories on the landing pages.

I really like mascots! They’re really powerful tools for engaging with website visitors and building a powerful brand.
Userpilot is an user onboarding software that helps SaaS companies create engaging user onboarding and improve their trial-to-paid conversions and feature adoption.
On Poptin’s homepage, they use an interactive section showcasing the different features with gifs:When this happens, multiple landing pages come to the game.

But there’s something that showcases your features way better.
The first and second steps were meant to engage with the potential customer and explain to them how Venngage works and what they can do with it.

Telling the brand’s story on landing pages

The best part?The companies in this analysis are:
There are testimonials at the bottom of the page:

Gifs that actually show you how things are done or illustrations that miss the point?
Tidio is a live chat and chatbot platform for e-commerce websites.
You have a testimonial on the left (another CRO strategy) and social signup options to create a Tidio account on the right.

Bonus tip: use fear in your website copy

A lot of people think exit-intent popups are frustrating and poorly constructed.When I was writing this article, I came across one platform for federated search, called Traversals. Their copy on the hero image is stunning, at least in my eyes.
As you can see, both websites are illustrating the same thing.
Why should someone use your tool? What are your unique selling points (USPs)? What are its benefits?
I don’t know about other people, but I don’t particularly like illustrations on SaaS landing pages.

You can implement all of these strategies right away.
Web design like this reminds us that not everything needs to be automated.

The Bottom Line

What is the human element?

  1. Use gifs to explain what your product does. They’re far more effective than illustrations.
  2. Showcase the value of your product early on.
  3. Use mascots, they’re great for brand awareness.
  4. Exit-intent popups and other forms of website popups can seriously boost your conversion rates.
  5. Don’t forget to leverage the power of the human element to build better relationships with your website visitors.
  6. Reducing friction on your signup page might bring more conversions.
  7. Not every potential customer is the same. Make sure to have multiple landing pages for each use case.
  8. If possible, unleash the “aha” moment by showing your users’ work, progress and results.
  9. Use templates or other lead magnets relevant to your brand to acquire more users.
  10. Clearly showcase the benefits of your product. You can use the old way vs new way approach, like Userpilot does.
  11. Don’t forget to tell a story on your landing pages. Stories are what brings us together.
  12. Implementing fear in your website copy can be a great conversion hack.

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