Ahrefs lets you decide the type of topic or keyphrase: Matching terms, Related terms, Search suggestions.
I’ve set the volume filter to 5,000 searches per month, but it could be higher or lower depending on traffic goals.
Ubersuggest estimates 407 backlinks are necessary to rank for “coconut oil for teeth.”

Volume, Difficulty

Ahrefs allows including Google’s SERP features in the list of topic ideas. Semrush and Ubersuggest offer the same.
Drilling down in Semrush’s Topic Research tool reveals additional topic ideas.

  • Discover key phrases used by thousands or tens of thousands of searchers each month.
  • Next, narrow the potential topics by keyword difficulty as identified by the SEO tool.


In Ahrefs, keyword difficulty is a non-linear, 100-point scale that estimates the likelihood of ranking in the top 10.
Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer tool is a table-like interface that makes it easy to sort content ideas that deliver organic search traffic.

Screenshot of Ahrefs' Keyword Explorere
Screenshot of Ahrefs' Keyword Explorere With Semrush, identifying content topics with search potential is a drill-down process. Click a Card and get additional ideas, many in question format. You will also see the idea’s volume and difficulty estimate.

With Ahrefs, you can also include ideas for Google’s SERP features. This can add interesting options but might require considering lower search volumes or more difficult phrases.

  • “Matching terms” will contain the phrase entered into the tool, e.g., “coconut oil.”
  • “Related terms” will show ideas similar to the phrase.
  • “Search suggestions” provide ideas that might appear in Google’s autocomplete.
Screenshot of Ahrefs' for types of keyword ideas
Screenshot of

Think of it this way. SEO and content marketing are together filling an information gap. Potential customers are querying Google or another search engine because they need something — perhaps a tutorial, information, or a product. And the content marketer is responding to that need.


  • “Terms match” includes all of the words in the phrase, but in any order.
  • “Phrase match” consists of all of the words in the phrase in precise order.
Screenshot of "Matching terms" in Ahrefs.
Semrush has a very developed Topic Research tool. In “Card” view, users can sort results.

There are many ways to generate content topic ideas. A good content marketer will use several. One such approach is to employ SEO tools to identify keyphrases with search potential — i.e., sufficient query volume to make the topic worthwhile and not so much that ranking is unlikely.

For my third example of identifying promising content topics, consider Ubersuggest. It is focused on keyword research for organic search. And like Ahrefs and Semrush, its keyword ideas are potential content marketing topics.

In Semrush, Topic Efficiency is the balance of search volume and keyword difficulty.
Ubersuggest lets you set ranges for monthly “Volume” and “SEO Difficulty.”
Once you enter a starting or seed term, such as “coconut oil,” head to the “Keyword Ideas” section.

Screenshot of Ahrefs "SERP features"
Ahrefs, Semrush, and Ubersuggest make it easy to identify content marketing topics that could drive traffic to your site.

Phrases with good search volume and relatively low keyword difficulty scores have the potential to drive lots of organic search traffic. These phrases can be an excellent source of content marketing ideas.


You can also consider all suggestions or just questions only, and adjust the match type:

Screenshot of Semrush's Topic Research tool.
Screenshot of Semrush's Topic Research tool. Here, I will view the topic ideas related to coconut oil in the “Card” view and set the priority to “Topic Efficiency.” This will sort the ideas by volume and difficulty.

Then filter topic ideas by monthly “Volume” and “SEO Difficulty.” Ubersuggest doesn’t describe how it measures difficulty. Nonetheless, it’s a good indicator of how much work is needed to rank.

Screenshot of Semrush's Topic Efficiency dropdown menu page
Screenshot of Semrush's Topic Efficiency dropdown menu page Ahrefs Keyword Explorer is a table-like interface that makes it easy to sort topic ideas. This “coconut oil” example is sorted by keyword difficulty (KD) and Volume.

I’ll use the keyword difficulty and volume filters to narrow the potential topics to phrases with a good chance of ranking on a Google search.

Screenshot of Semrush's Topic Research tool
Screenshot of Semrush's Topic Research tool Setting the maximum keyword difficulty to 50 limits potential topic ideas to phrases where the top-ranking pages on Google’s SERPs probably have 80 – 90 referring (linking) domains.


You can also adjust the match type and decide whether to focus on questions, which make for good topic ideas when answered.

Screenshot of Ubersuggest home page
When clicking on a topic idea, Ubersuggest estimates the number of backlinks you might need to break into the top 10.

Let’s look at topics related to coconut oil, sorting in Keyword Explorer by volume and difficulty.

Content marketing and search engine optimization work hand-in-glove to provide useful, informative, or entertaining content that performs well in search.
Screenshot of Ahrefs

"Keyword Ideas" page in Ubersuggest
Identifying these topics is just the start. Generate a list, check and verify each idea, and decide if the topic is relevant to your business and useful to potential customers.

Semrush’s Topic Research tool includes similar benefits.

Ubersuggest is focused on SEO keyword research. Its keyword ideas are potential content marketing topics.

Screenshot of Ubersuggest home page

Just the Start

Screenshot of Ahrefs' for types of keyword ideas
Keyword Explorer has a few options for generating ideas.

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